
How the Behaviors of Your Leaders Impact Employee and Company Well-Being

How the Behaviors of Your Leaders Impact Employee and Company Well-Being

The behaviors of your leaders impact company well-being, so it’s critical that that influence is positive, both for the well-being of each employee, as well as your company’s bottom line.

In previous articles, we’ve described well-being as the integration of several facets of life, including what we do each day, the quality of our relationships, the security of our finances, as well as the vibrancy of our physical health, and the pride we take in what we contribute to our communities.

Well-being is a subjective emotional state that provides an enthusiasm for life and a feeling of being actively engaged at work and in the world. The benefits of well-being for individuals can include a sense of meaning, rich social networks of positive relationships, increased productivity, and higher levels of engagement.


Company performance also benefits. That’s because highly engaged employees:

  • Are vigilant about achieving their goals no matter the obstacles
  • Desire to add value to their organization
  • Feel a sense of ownership in their work
  • Actively listen to the needs of others within and outside the company
  • Feel a sense of purpose when they come to work


Yet, today, individuals and companies find themselves challenged on just about every aspect of well-being.

Our daily routines are continually interrupted, nurturing relationships and contributing to community “virtually” is tough, and we face challenges and obstacles like never before as we make decisions about employment.

This is rough for employees and rough for companies.



The behaviors of your leaders are a huge contributor to the overall well-being in your company. For better or for worse. Having effective managers who know how to communicate with, engage and mobilize their teams will not only boost your business results, it’ll make for more engaged and fulfilled employees.

Conversely, having leaders who are lacking these abilities results in teams that are disengaged, unproductive, and more likely to look for opportunities at other companies where fulfillment might be higher. This is all too costly – and too common.


What’s a company to do – How you can help

The best well-being strategy starts with your leaders.

It’s common to associate well-being strategies with programs and perks – they are the easiest and quickest to apply. What’s often overlooked is that the best boost to your organization’s well-being rests in the hands of your employees. Specifically, your core leaders, and how well they are able to manage themselves and their teams. Give them the tools and support they need to operate at their best as they lead their teams.


Coaching Right Now focuses on the development of Leaders.  We are, well, a Coaching company.

 We believe that changing any engrained behavior or developing a new one isn’t easy. It takes learning, repetition, reflection, accountability and guidance – all while juggling the daily challenges of work and life. Yet, when there is the opportunity to begin aligning behaviors and actions with an approach that promotes well-being, you will see a sense of well-being embed itself into the company culture.


That’s the role coaching plays.

The role of a coach is to provide a safe, confidential environment that allows for disclosure of underdeveloped or weak areas, and the space for practice, failure, reflection and more practice. While the benefits of coaching are far-reaching and as varied as the individuals who partake in it, there are specific areas over which a coaching partnership has the most significant impact among the key manager behaviors necessary to increase organizational well-being.

These are:

    • Enhancing self-awareness
    • Developing emotional intelligence
    • Strengthening the ability to set and achieve goals
    • Building more effective teams
    • Creating richer social connections for self and teams

Be sure your company is listening.  Give your leaders the tools and support needed to develop and embed strong leadership behaviors in a culture where your employees chose to stay and flourish.


Interested to learn more? Contact us at: – we look forward to helping!